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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Before Breakfast - Lamoille Canyon , Nevada

Lamoille Canyon, Nevada - Sunrise

The sun takes a while to get down to warm the chilly campers.  
 At 7600 feet the Thomas Canyon Campgrounds
is a world away from the Nevada desert floor.

Walk with me before breakfast:

For more videos on Lamoille Canyon, visit us at 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Bird on a Frozen Big Bear Lake in CA

Grout Bay, Big Bear Lake, California and a frozen over lake
With California's Big Bear Lake nearly frozen over this January, ducks and other water birds clustered together in the one area free of ice. The flocks of birds attracted a predator.


immature harrier hawk beside prey
Harrier hawks typically prey on other birds. This day an American coot was its victim. However, in a cold winter environment, this meal meant survival for the immature harrier. 

The small area of open water was filled with mallards, ruddy ducks, northern shovelers, teal, grebes, common golden-eyes, buffleheads, CA gulls and mergansers.

mallards and ruddy ducks just feet from the harrier and coot
The other birds were more curious than frightened by the hawk. They seemed to understand that as long as the harrier was paying attention to the coot, they were not in any danger.

See more of the ice and winter in Big Bear, CA and the
New Year's Eve Torchlight Parade

See more Earth Minutes with birds and wildlife

Visit The Earth Minute each week 
for a new one minute view of the natural world.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Take a Winter Walk at Big Bear Lake, CA

Join us on a walk in the winter woods beside Big Bear Lake on New Year's Day.

The lake was frozen over. An inlet stream was a trail of ice. Yet, despite the freezing temperature, birds were out and about.


Steller's jay
We spotted several elusive pygmy nuthatches (Sitta pygmaea) and a number of charismatic Steller's jays (Cyanocitta stelleri). 

It was Bodie's first experience with snow and ice. He was amazed to find it edible.

Did you take a minute today to experience the natural world around you?

Other Winter Earth Minutes
Torch Parade Big Bear New Year's Eve
Winter Walk at Lake Tahoe
Winter Birding at Descanco Gardens
Central Park, New York

Adventures with Bodie
Yellowstone Bison Jam 
Discover Headwater of LA River 
This Morning in a Habitat Garden 

Experience a new Earth Minute every week

Thursday, January 7, 2016

New Year's Eve 2015 Lights on the mountain - Snow Summit - Big Bear California

22 degrees Fahrenheit...

Standing with hundreds of strangers watching fire wind down the hill...


Watch the Annual New Year's Eve Torchlight Parade at Snow Summit


The lights on the slopes went out....

Over 100 skiers and snowboarders carried torches down the Snow Summit Miracle Mile creating a beautiful sight on the last evening of the year.
For more adventures, visit us at