The Santana Winds have come to Los Angeles.
October 29, 2015
The term "Santana winds" is said to have originated in Spanish California when the hot, dry winds were called "devil winds."
Maybe you've heard of them as "SANTA ANA WINDS"?

At the turn of the last century, an Associated Press correspondent mistakenly identified Santana winds as "Santa Ana" winds in a 1901 dispatch.
Raymond Chandler wrote a 1938 short story about them called
"Red Wind"
Anything can happen. You can even get a full glass of beer at a cocktail lounge."
View a video from our yard as the winds parch the drought stressed plants early the morning....
And view more in Southern California : at
View more videos!
(CA towhee, band-tailed pigeons, ruby-crowned kinglet, Bewick's wren, CA desert tortoise)