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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Autumn in Los Angeles

Yes, southern California has seasons! They are just different from the expected and therefore are typically discounted.


Summer is a time of dormancy for our plants, not winter. Winter is our time of growth and renewal. With recent Fall rain, bulbs are appearing. 

It is also time to plant. Native plants are more likely to be successful if planted in the Autumn. This gives them all winter to establish themselves before the harsh realities of a dry hot summer. We're planting natives that we picked up at the CA Native Plant Society plant sale last weekend.

desert sunflower
Sages have been successful for us and they provide nectar for Valley carpenter bees and hummingbirds. We're trying a new Salvia leucophylla. This desert sunflower, Encelia farinosa, is a new species for us. Hopefully its flowers will provide nectar for bees and butterflies (Name this Butterfly). 

Some CA creatures are preparing for a long winter sleep. See more Earth Minutes with desert tortoises:
Tortoises in spring 
Sleepy Tortoise 
Tortoise and Lizard Buddies

Creating habitat is a year-round effort, but Autumn in Los Angeles is the time to start something new. Native plants attract wild creatures and bring Earth Minutes to you. More on native plants and native plant gardens.

Visit each week for a new Earth Minute

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